Activism: Government: Watchdog Organizations
See also: Privacy, a dwindling resource, and
Cyber Rights for 'net action
"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public
opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The
agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep
the waters pure.
-- Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- The ACLU's mission is to fight civil liberties violations whenever
and whereever they occur.
Coalition for Progressive Values
- To infuse progressive values throughout public policy in America by
connecting progressive organizations, their members and other
citizens with each other and to ballot initiatives, campaigns
and legislative action.
Common Cause
- a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen's lobbying organization promoting
open, honest and accountable government
- Their
Washington Watchdog area is particularly useful
Endgame Research Services
- provides research services and training to citizens who are working
for corporate and governmental accountability, and who are committed
to socially just and ecologically sustainable societies.
The Freedom Forum
- a nonpartisan, international foundation dedicated to free press,
free speech and free spirit for all people. The foundation focuses on
four main priorities: the Newseum, First Amendment freedoms, newsroom
diversity and world press freedom.
The Freedom of Information Center
- Serving the general public and the media on questions about access to
government documents and information
From The Wilderness
- by Mike Ruppert who,
according to Dick Gregory, is "the man who cost CIA Director Deutch
his guaranteed appointment as Secretary of Defense after confronting
him at Locke High School with hard facts about CIA dealing drugs."
Human Rights Discussion & Mailing Lists
- Discussion of human rights issues including civic, political,
economic and social rights, as defined by international law.
The Independent Institute
- Enlightening ideas for public policy
The Lighthouse - a weekly e-mail newsletter - is a good read
- Challenging corporate abuse
- Building grassroots power
Institute for First Amendment Studies
- a non-profit founded in 1984 to expose and counter the
political activities of the radical Religious Right
People for the American Way
- committed to defending democracy and bringing the ideals of
community, opportunity, diversity, equality and fairness together to
form a strong, united voice
politechbot.com - by Declan McCullagh
- a moderated mailing list of politics and technology. Topics include
privacy, free speech, the role of government and corporations,
antitrust, and more.
Power Structure Research
- an approach to the study of power that highlights the unequal
distribution of resources upon which power is based (e.g., wealth,
political office, control of the mass media) and the importance of
formal and informal social networks as the means by which power is
concentrated and institutionalized
Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD)
- Instigating democratic conversations and actions that contest the
authority of corporations to govern.
- a non-partisan searchable database of Congressional voting records
from a Progressive perspective
Public Citizen
- Protecting Health, Safety & Democracy since 1971
- Founded by Ralph Nader
School of the Americas Watch
- SOA Watch is an independent organization that seeks to close the
US Army School of the Americas, under whatever name it is called,
through vigils and fasts, demonstrations and nonviolent protest, as
well as media and legislative work.
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC)
- Want the real dope on the feds? Want to know what government
enforcers actually DO rather than what they SAY they do?
TRAC is a source for nonpartisan facts on federal law enforcement.
Its mission: to put the government on the record--it's own record.
- TRAC the
IRS and others...
United for a Fair Economy
- Creators of the excellent and informative site
Billionaires For Bush Or Gore .com
- working to address the widening income and asset gap in our country
- the place to find factual, no-nonsense information about the
tension between liberty and security during wartime.