Activism: Privacy
See also:
Cyber Rights,
Ban Spam and
Big Brother
"The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated..."
- the Fourth Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution
Americans for Computer Privacy (ACP)
- The ACP is focused on educating the public and lawmakers
on the encryption issue. "Your privacy is at stake!"
Association for Computing Machinery (USACM) Privacy Page
CDT Guide to Online Privacy
- SNOOPER 2.0 -
Who's Watching You and What are You Telling Them?
Crypto Rights.org
- "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his
privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his
honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the
law against such interference or attacks."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
EFF privacy archive
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
EPIC privacy archive
EPIC online privacy tools
- EPIC reports on
profiling and
Total Information Awareness
Encryption, Privacy and Security Resource Page
- Encryption technology is the key to the future of the information
Online Privacy Alliance
- "The Online Privacy Alliance is a diverse group of corporations
and associations who have come together to introduce and promote
business-wide actions that create an environment of trust and foster
the protection of individuals' privacy online."
- Privacilla takes a free-market liberal (or libertarian) stance toward
privacy issues.
The Privacy Journal
- What is privacy? The right of individuals to control the
collection and use of personal information about themselves
Privacy.org, which hosts
Privacy International
- Formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance by governments
and corporations, PI helps to raise awareness about the dangers
of ID card systems, military surveillance, data matching,
police information systems, and credit reporting.
Privacy, Profiling & Commerce Protocols from the W3C
- Note especially the
Platform for Privacy Preferences
Project (P3P)
- Also, check out the
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
- See also their excellent links and legal
The Coming Jurisdictional Swamp of Global Internetworking
by Douglas Barnes
- (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Anonymity)
Privacy Protection: Time to Think and Act Locally [PDF]
- From Release 1.0 (April 1998) by Esther Dyson
- The PRIVACY Forum includes a moderated digest for the discussion and
analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both
personal and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and
Security And Freedom through Encryption (SAFE)
- SAFE's goal is to raise awareness for the importance of encryption
technology to enhance privacy and security on the global information
infrastructure, and the problems posed by the current US approach to
cryptography policy
- the pragmatic Web surfer's guide to Internet privacy.
Wired's Clipper Archive (old but still useful)
- and index of privacy resources