Activism: Peace
World Peace Begins at Home, so see also:
Fen's Spirituality
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it's time to
Feel, Think and Respond
Special Section: Iraq and U.S. Military Imperialism
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
-- Gandhi
Alternative News Sites (compiled by the
Think team)
- Get your news from places other than AOL/Yime-Warner media
- "Your best source for antiwar news, viewpoints and activities"
- Flash!
When Will We Learn? - by Harry Browne
Baring Witness
- PEACE - it's such a simple word, but it has many connotations in
the current political climate.
Iraq Peace Pledge/Pledge of Resistance
- Sponsored by a growing coalition of national and local groups, the
Iraq Peace Pledge is a way for you to publicly register your
opposition to war on Iraq, and more.
- Join a nationwide grassroots netowrk for change
Not In Our Name
- Take the
Pledge of Resistance
Peace Action
- Peace Action works to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons, the
development of a peace-oriented economy, an end to the international
weapons trade, and promotes non-military solutions to international
- listings of anti-war and anti-racism events that are being
organized around the world
United for Peace
- Let's show the world that we are united in our opposition to a war
against Iraq.
Win Without War
- a coalition of national organizations representing broad
constituencies that aim to Keep America Safe by advocating
alternatives to preemptive war in Iraq. The coalition offers a
mainstream, patriotic voice for engaging opinion makers, activating
concerned citizens, and communicating effectively to the media.
More Peace Links
"You cannot simultaneously prepare for and prevent war."
-- Albert Einstein
Amnesty International
- Join the
FAST (Fast Action Stops Torture) Campaign. It's the easiest way I
know of to make a difference.
California Peace Action
- you may remember them as CA SANE/FREEZE...
Center for Economic Conversion
- dedicated to building a sustainable peace-oriented economy
DMOZ: Society: Issues: Peace
- An excellent resource of links
Federation of American Scientist
- dedicated to the responsible use of science and technology.
Free Tibet
The situation in Tibet is desperate: after more than 45 years
of Chinese occupation of the country the Tibetan people are
literally at risk of disappearing from the face of the earth
in a few years. The opening of dialogue between the Dalai Lama
and the Tibetan Government in Exile and the Peoples Republic of
China, still unrealized, adds to the gravity of the situation.
Manifesto 2000 -- [English
The year 2000 must be a new beginning for us all. Together we can
transform the culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and
non-violence. This demands the participation of everyone.
- See also: the One Day In Peace
project... Just Imagine!
Nonviolence International
- information and resources on the use of
nonviolent direct action in the service of
justice and human development
the nonviolence web
ACT UP Civil Disobedience Manual & Index
Consensus Decision Making
Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Handbook
(from the October 1987
Stop First Strike
actions in Santa Cruz, CA)
Peace Brigades International
- Without the accompaniment of Peace Brigades International,
I would not be alive today. --
Amilcar Mendez, Council of Ethnic Communities, Guatemala
- on-line for peace and justice
- a Quaker page
Towards a Global Ethic
- participate in the realization of an ethic for global peace
- (a project of the
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR)
United States Institute of Peace
- a collection of Internet resources relating to international
conflict resolution, negotiation theory, and peace studies
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- December 10, 1998 marked the 50 year anniversary of this
important document.
War & Peace Foundation
- We seek to help hasten an end to militarism, war and the causes of
War Resisters League
- The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against
humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war,
international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of
all causes of war.
We The Peoples Initiative
- a co-operative movement to unite the strengths of existing organizations
and projects toward making Peace a practical reality in the 21st century