Activism: Health
"We are praying that mankind does wake up and think about the future,
for we haven't just inherited this earth from our ancestors, but we are
borrowing it from our unborn children."
-- Joseph Chasing Horse
Alternative Health News Online
- presents a number of techniques and approaches that appear to be
worth your time to investigate and to discuss with your physician or
health-care provider, and reports on wellness and natural approaches
to staying healthy and living longer.
- The Internet's largest database of alternative medical health
American Preventative Medical Association
- "Making Health Care Freedom a Reality"
Center for Food Safety
- provides leadership in legal, scientific, and grassroots efforts to
address the increasing concerns about the impacts of our food
production system on human health, animal welfare, and the environment.
California Citizens for Health Freedom
- a grassroots advocacy organization committed to protecting and
expanding consumer natural health choices.
The Human Awareness Institute (HAI)
- HAI promotes personal growth and social evolution by replacing
ignorance and fear with awareness and love.
The Human Awareness Institute aims to create a world where people
live together in dignity, respect, understanding, trust, kindness,
honesty, compassion and love.
The Food Guide Pyramid
The Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children
New Food Pyramid (Scientific American, January 2003)
Institute for Health Freedom
- established to bring the issues of personal health freedom to the
forefront of America's health policy debate
MindFreedom / Support Coalition International
- an alliance of more than 70 grassroots groups in 11 countries united
to win human rights in the "mental health system."
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- a center of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) dedicated to exploring complementary and
alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science;
training CAM researchers; and disseminating authoritative information.
Organic Consumers Association
- Campaigning for Food Safety, Organic Agriculture, Fair Trade &
Path to Freedom
- Providing pathways for living a self-sufficient lifestyle in an urban setting
Sex and Sexuality
- Such an important topic it gets it's own section
Tobacco and its Dangers
Infact's Tobacco Industry Campaign
Kraft Boycott
- Bombarded by billions of dollars in tobacco advertising and
promotion, 3,000 US teens start smoking every day. Half of
those who wind up hooked for life will die a painful, early
death from illnesses like lung cancer, heart disease,
emphysema, and strokes. Tobacco giant Philip Morris
counts on us to support them in the grocery store
by buying their Kraft, Post, and Maxwell House products.
- your guide to smokefree dining, entertainment and travel.
- "our goal is to alert everyone to the lies and hidden practices
of the cigarette companies, while giving people the tools to have
a voice in changing that."
True Food Now
- a free service from Greenpeace, to connect consumers who want to
take action to end the use of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients
in our foods.
World Food Programme
- Hunger afflicts one out of seven people on Earth. WFP is the
frontline United Nations Agency whose mission is to provide: Food for
LIFE to sustain victims of man-made and natural disasters; Food for
GROWTH to improve the nutrition and quality of life of the most
vulnerable people at critical times in their lives; and Food for WORK
to help build assets and promote the self-reliance of poor people and
communities, particularly through labour-intensive works programmes.
World Health Organization
- The objective of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the
highest possible level of health. Health, as defined in the WHO
Constitution, is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Yoga (DMOZ directory listing)