Activism: Still More Activist Resources
"The U.S. Constitution may not be perfect, but it's better than
what we've got now."
-- Sandy Shaw
Action Without Borders (idealist.org)
- A global coalition of individuals and organizations working to build
a world where all people can live free, dignified and productive
Activist Handbook (protest.net)
- A pretty good practical introduction to being politically active
- a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters,
students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new
social activist movement of the information age
Anarchy Online
- A new book investigating sex on the Internet
- by
Charles Platt
Bay Area Progressive Directory and Calendar
- Ken Cheetham's excellent list of events and other happenings
in the Bay Area that may be of interest to progressive minded people.
Bureau of Public Secrets
- dedicated to all prisoners: "while there is a soul in jail, I am
not free"
- an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots
conservatism on the web.
Free Speech Movement Archive
- Documenting Student Protest - U.C. Berkeley, 1964-65
Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
- supporting global computer networks including PeaceNet, EcoNet,
WomensNet, and AntiRacismNet and webhosting for non-profits as well
as progressive individuals and companies
- working to bring ordinary people back into politics
- "To know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience
above all liberties" --John Milton
Starhawk Community Access Network
- Links for sustainable living
Trouble Tickets/
- Focusing on two main projects:
- to help activists in the grassroots movements for social
justice and democracy learn to make better use of the
Web medium
- to develop new "narratives"
of opposition to right-wing ideological dominance.
TV Turnoff Network
- a national nonprofit organization that encourages children and
adults to watch much less television in order to promote healthier
lives and communities
- When surfing the web is not enough...
Working Assets Long Distance
- Put your phone to work! Working Assets is a credit card and long
distance calling card company with a conscience that donates a
sizable ammount of money every year to a set of great causes
that the subscribes get to vote on. They often provide free phone
calls to Washington congresscritters for important issues.
Gone, but not Forgotten
- a resource for activist campaigns online, focusing on issues such as
human rights, AIDS, environmentalism, corporate responsibility, and
sustainable development.
GovAccess archives
- Jim Warren
runs an excellent newsletter called GovAccess that
has a goal of making the process of governmental decisions open
to the people, currently (and, perhaps, unfortunately) especially
those who have email.
EMail him to get on his list.
Outlaws On The Electronic Frontier
(warning: uses <blink>)
- Contains:
Psychological Warfare Primer For Online Activism: version 2.0
- Privacy, Free Expression and Ethics on the Internet
The Think List archives
- Information designed to make you think
Voters Telcomm Watch (VTW)