If not you, who? If not now, when?
This site has not been updated for over a decade - needs work...
Alternative Media
Cyber Rights
- Your Rights Online
- Anonymizers & Remailers
- Ban Spam!
- Cryptography
- World peace begins at home
Government (and
Watchdog Organizations
Liberty, Freedom Quotes
- Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Peace Quotes
Think List
- Think List Archives
- Response to 9/11/2001
The War on Some Drugs
Yet More Links
End the War in Iraq!
After Katrina, Fund Full Recovery of Gulf Coast -- Not War on
Attend the peace rallys September 24 - 26th
Best E-Voting Bill Reintroduced
The bill contains several critically important election reforms,
including the requirement of a paper audit trail for all electronic
voting machines, random audits, and public availability of all code used
in elections. HR 550 was reintroduced in February, and it currently has
over 130 bipartisan cosponsors. Help support its passage!
ACLU: Safe and Free in Times of Crisis
The September 11, 2001 attacks on America changed us many ways. Some of
these changes, like a renewed sense of national purpose, are
heartening. Yet much else is deeply disturbing, and perhaps most
disturbing is the government?s apparent belief that our society cannot be
both safe and free.
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
Do you know your online rights? Are you concerned about liability for
information that someone else posted to your online forum?
Chilling Effects aims to help you understand the protections that the First
Amendment and intellectual property laws give to your online activities.
California Related Actions
Califiornia League of Conservation Voters
Learn why the California League of Conservation Voters Opposes
Governor's Special Election, Three Propositions
RFIDs Out of California IDs!
RFID tags are small embedded chips in documents and objects that respond
to remote requests with identifying data. Originally conceived as a way
to identify and track objects, RFID tags are increasingly being used to
tag and "authenticate" human beings. That's a different world entirely:
if RFID tags are included in California IDs without safeguards for your
privacy, your personal information could be scanned without your
knowledge or permission, exposing you to the risk of tracking, stalking,
and identity theft.